TORONTO, Aug. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CHAR Technologies Ltd. (“CHAR”) (TSXV: YES) is pleased to announce the upgrading of CHAR’s operational high temperature pyrolysis facility to produce approximately 20,000 GJ/yr of renewable natural gas (“RNG”). The approval of a $300,000 grant from NGIF (Natural Gas Innovation Fund) Industry Grants, a division of NGIF Capital Corporation, will support the upgrades. The grant funding will be partially disbursed at the commencement of each of three milestones (detailed engineering design, fabrication and commissioning, and validation). CHAR anticipates project commissioning to commence in March 2022.
“NGIF was one of CHAR’s early supporters, and we are pleased to receive their support and continue our productive relationship,” said Andrew White, CEO of CHAR. “The projects are vetted and supported by ATCO Pipelines, Enbridge Gas Inc., FortisBC, Pacific Northern Gas Ltd., and SaskEnergy, allowing these utilities to see and validate CHAR’s high temperature pyrolysis to RNG process.”
“I met Andrew about 10 years ago when CHAR was a newly formed spin-out from the University of Toronto and have seen continued growth in both his leadership and the organization and now very excited to see RNG being produced at CHAR’s high temperature pyrolysis facility,” said John Adams, NGIF Capital Corporation President and CEO and NGIF Cleantech Ventures Managing Partner. “NGIF identifies and invests in opportunities that accelerate the clean technologies required to drive environmental performance in natural gas while also offering industry validation.”
“When the Canadian Gas Association created NGIF several years ago, CHAR Technologies was one of the first start-ups to be supported by the Fund. Their technology to support RNG development is the type of innovation we continue to advance in the natural gas industry,” added Timothy M. Egan, President and CEO, Canadian Gas Association and Chair, NGIF Capital Corporation, which operates NGIF Industry Grants. “Renewable gas development is an important pathway to drive meaningful emissions reductions, while still supporting the customers’ need for reliable and affordable energy.”